July 31, 2007

It's gotta be the shorts

Wanna know how I know I am gay..... I do wear the biking shorts when I ride and you know what... I LIKE EM!!! Finally got a new pair today - the butt/taint padding wore out on the old ones and let me tell you - it hurts like a mother when it is not all padded down there. Besides, I got great guy legs - I look freakin HOTT in them.

It was an interesting ride today. First heading out from Yorba Regional Park going west/south down the river trail - lots of wind in the afternoon - but that is what makes you strong. So as I am haulin ass down the trail (cause I am in kick ass shape... hahaha) I come up on a few dipshits (i.e teenage girls) walking all over the trail. So as I come down a hill and near them I yell "On the left" bike trail edicate to let them know where I will be. What does one of the dipshits do...... you guessed it turns left to look and steps left when she does it.... I hit the breaks fast and turn right.. where does this dipshit go when she see's me...... RIGHT!!!! I almost run into her and basically yell "what the fuck it wrong with you!!!" at her and call her a "fuckling moron" as I climb the hill and ride away.... Where is Darwin when I need him. So about 4 miles down the road and guy catches up to me and we ride a few miles together. He is a postman at the Brea post office right near the Merc. He lives in the S to the Ana and rides to and from work 3 or 4 days a week - with the traffic we saw - it only takes him an extra 15 on the bike to get home. We get to Chapman where UCI hospital is and time for me to turn around. Now the wind is at my back and I am like a freakin laser - so NICE!!!! As I get to about a mile left I get all Tour de Franced out and see a guy a ways ahead and decide to catch him before my turn in to the park - crank it to a harder gear and get moving - I am getting close but not enough so I invoke Lance Armstrong and sprint as hard as I could - caught him - right at my turn off - proud of myself after about 15 miles.

Well that was a long story

SANSA Song of the Blog: Stockholm Syndrome but MUSE. Rockin guitar riff - gotta learn it.


At 10:27 PM, Blogger the mama said...

you are totally GAY... and I so sure you look HOTT in your hot pants....

who are you milli vanilli or maybe on of the guys from color me badd????

At 9:44 AM, Blogger The Wrider said...

That was a good story Birdman. I'm glad you are riding and I can tell you really enjoy challenging yourself. I got a visual of you in your bike shorts and I must admit, I got turned on just thinking about it.. Does that make me gay? Or does that make me just weird?

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW. I hate you forever for burning that horrid image into my mind.

At 4:17 PM, Blogger the mama said...

too funny....


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