May 20, 2009

Happy B-Day to Jilly!!

Monday was Jilly's big number 8 on the b-day scale. She got some nice gifts but I swear her favorite was her 6 pack of orange tic tacs!!!

Glad the warm days are here - time to get in more bike rides. Took our new and only female rider Robbin up a decent climb yesterday - she indicated that during the climb which beat her to death she was think the phrase "F@&* you guys!!!" over and over. HAHAHHA - totally worth it. But to her credit - it was slow but she never stopped pedaling and climbed the whole thing.

Only heard part of the new Linkin Park from the new Transformers movie - it's OK from what I heard - nothing to get excited about.

Work has been crap - so many stupid people who really get on your nerves when times get rough and just make things worse - I totally want to get sick right now....hhahah

All the shows are ending but that means some new one for the summer -Monk, Burn Notice and True Blood on HBO so much to watch this summer.

Have a good week!!!


At 11:49 AM, Blogger the mama said...

happy belated 8th b-day... man that means "A" will be 8 in a few months. those girls are getting too big too fast!

totally stoked for Burn Notice and Psych....

i am feeling the burnt out of work. it just never seems to end. i want to get sick, too. LOL

have a good memorial day weekend.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Wrider II said...

Eight? Are you starting to feel old? Wait til you are in my shoes and your youngest is 19!!! Congrats to Jilly!

I gotta give Robbin major props for riding with you guys. That is way cool. Good for her!

Sorry work sucks.

Love me some Burn Notice. Have you heard if Sons of Anarchy is coming back??? I miss that show!


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